72nd New York State Volunteer Infantry

Company C

3rd Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 3rd Corps

Army of the Potomac

(Reenactors of the American Civil War)



"No retreat, no surrender!"

Dog Island 2005

Red Bluff, CA



Waiting NOT so Patiently for Battle

Dog Island 2005

Red Bluff, CA



Giving the Irish their comeuppance

The 72nd & the 69th NY "Fighting Irish' (NCWA)

Duncans Mill 2006



The Captain has a few words with the men....

The 72nd & the 69th NY "Fighting Irish' (NCWA)

Duncans Mill 2006



Our brave boys out West:  The 72nd at Fort Crook, California Territory

Ft. Crook Museum Day, Fall River Mills 2006



Defending the Big City: The 72nd at Fort Point, San Francisco, California Territory

Ft. Point Museum Day, San Francisco 2007


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